
Are you self-sabotaging your career?

If you find yourself wondering if you can achieve that goal, if you procrastinate or constantly doing things that stop you from reaching your potential, then you might be self-sabotaging.

Self-sabotaging can be harmful to your career as you keep pushing off doing things that would otherwise elevate you.

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How do you know you are self-sabotaging your career?

You do just enough to earn that paycheck

Any talk of over-time gives you a headache. All you do is watch that clock and will it to reach the end of the shift so you can go home or wherever you go to spend your time after work. You never go above and beyond your call of duty; you simply do the bare minimum. Chances are high that when it comes time to promote someone, you will not be high up on the lift,  that is if you make it to the list in the first place!

You are tardy

Your middle name should be “late” because you seem to take pleasure in arriving late to work as much as you can get away with. 

You don’t rise to the occasion

If opportunities come knocking, you are the first to turn them down. If the opportunity presents itself to add to your skills or knowledge, you find excuses to turn it down. 

You find it hard to ask for a raise or go after that promotion

You grumble about your salary but don’t take the initiative to ask for a raise. You will never know if you don’t ask whether or not you would have gotten that raise or that promotion. The worst that could happen is being told “no”. Otherwise, you could be given reasons why you are getting that “no” and work towards turning it into a “yes” in the future.

You are always negative

You are the first to complain if your work makes you stay behind even for ten minutes. You are the first to complain about each and everything that happens in the office. Being negative all the time is not good, it is not good for you, and it is not good for people around you.

What can you do to stop self-sabotaging?

The first thing is to understand whether or not you self-sabotage. The next thing is to understand why you self-sabotage. Only then will you find ways to stop the habit. If you tend to procrastinate at work then you need to work towards stopping the habit. If you are slow to take up opportunities then you have to learn how to stop. 

To rectify your self-sabotage, you need to find out why you do what you do. Only then will you actively work towards changing your habit and potentially reaching your career goals. 

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If not checked and worked upon, self-sabotage will affect your career goals. You will not be able to go places you wanted to, in terms of promotions, and you will not be able to do things you wanted to.




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