Tips for teambuilding while everyone is working remotely

Maintaining a positive team culture is difficult, but the most potent quality. There are so many teams working remotely in today’s world, and managers are struggling to ensure a positive and cooperative team effort. The feeling of isolation or being left out is more common in remote workers than the employees working in an office. Research reveals that a lack of personal contact reduces trust, mutual purpose, and connection, which are the critical aspects of a healthy social environment.

Moreover, as COVID-19 is prevailing, working from home is a concept that will stay for long. Over 80 percent of business managers and leaders have been planning to balance the work-from-home model partially even after COVID-19 is not a threat anymore.

What are the challenges one can face while managing remote employees? One of the top challenges is isolation and loneliness, wherein extreme cases result in anxiety and depression. Lack of non-verbal cues leads to communication issues.

Therefore, it is essential that the leaders treat their peers as fellow humans, which is motivating for the employees.

Let us understand a few unbeatable ways to build a culture across remote teams irrespective of the place your employees are working.

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Switch to video conference whenever possible

Since most of our conversations have become non-verbal, video call becomes a better alternative. We are not going to the office every day, and hence, a visual-conversation turns out to be essential. Such conversations moreover, build trust and comfort.

Remote-specific questions are helpful

What is your everyday work routine? Do you feel included in our team-conversations and decisions? How could I support a remote employee better? Since the employees are facing various challenges, such questions and diving into these issues are exceptionally essential.

Track the team’s productivity

Based on your criteria of payment or work schedules, it would help if you track the team members’ working hours and attendance. Working hours, discipline, attendance, and punctuality are some of the primary measures of productivity. Moreover, the work output is the best way of understanding if the team member is productive or not.

Consistency is vital alongside permitting flexibility

Working from home is never very easy, and hence a degree of flexibility is essential. Therefore, leaders or managers must allow a range of flexible work hours while you manage remote employees. However, a fixed number of hours should be considered so that the work is not hampered.

Reduce the isolation

While your remote employees may not face any trouble socializing outside of work, working all day remotely might become incredibly isolating. It would help if you made them feel part of team decisions and discussions. Therefore, certain team building activities could be constructive.

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Social media engagement

Engaging employees in social media activities can additionally benefit their inclination and interest in work. Sharing views from each employee’s workspace alongside inspirational quotes increases the motivation of team members. Moreover, interaction and communication are not broken.

Therefore, there is no reason to skip team building even though they are working remotely. Invest in your team, and your effort will surely pay off in productive and happy employees.