Are we doing enough for Gender Equality at your workplace?

Even today, the gender pay gap and salary discrimination are occurring in offices around the world. Many people are facing both of them. These two are completely different problems. Salary discrimination often occurs when male and female employees doing similar work do not get the legal right to equal pay while the gender pay gap is the difference in average salary between male and female employees, which considers different numbers. Statistics do not excite everyone, but there is no better way to understand the problem. The scale and complexity depend on the political, economic and cultural context of each country.  For example, women often earn less because they are less likely to be promoted to higher positions or to run their own business, and are more likely to work in fields that pay less, work part-time and live at home and care, all of which lend themselves to increasing the gender pay gap.

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Women at work

It is a non-mind that if you are making decisions on behalf of others, then you should at least be reflective of those who are. It is also a sad truth that getting pregnant and maintaining a job, or trying to make a career, is one of the biggest challenges facing women, mainly because of parental leave issues. At first, it was only a UK proposal, but after some time it expanded to the US, Sweden and Spain as well. Their aim is to highlight maternity discrimination in the workplace and to try to deal with a systemic issue beyond personal experience.

Young women trust

A trust has fought for equality in its field of work. The charity provides assistance to women between the ages of 16 and 30 who live with little or no income, both in terms of jobs and financial security. The organization believes that everyone should be able to access jobs, regardless of their starting point, and be paid enough to stay. However, this is not a very reassuring picture. This year’s survey has once again shown that young women live more than young people affected by job insecurity, money anxiety and debt. Just 4% of youth are currently debt-free, and many believe that they will never be free from their debt because they cannot get a job that earns them enough to save money in a vicious cycle.

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A woman has gone for jobs that she was disqualified in the past but did not find after being asked about her plans for childcare. In addition, the workplace is often an unsafe environment, but many do not speak out about discrimination or harassment for the same reason: fear that they will lose the job they worked hard to get. It is illegal to discriminate someone on the basis of their gender or age. It is possible knowing that mothers stop themselves from applying for high ranking jobs in the first place.

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