If work from home is the ‘future of work,’ here are 11 reasons why the office sounds still better

During the coronavirus pandemic, people are beginning to think that employees are able to work at home and are productive. People can be more productive for certain types of work, and they also have the opportunity to work from home and spend time with family. Understand about work from home through 11 easy pointers.

Not what your team has signed up for

For many people, there was a desire to work side by side with other people. For others, it is an office in a quiet neighbourhood. Some people would welcome this change.

Try to maintain a culture

It takes effort to maintain the company’s culture when the team is working from home. The risk is the ripening of subcultures and countercultures, which is something that often happens with fast-growing companies.

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Unorganized employee

Most managers have a lot to learn how to manage people well. Very few people are exceptional at this. For most people in a company, their manager is their interface with the company.

Change of processes

If you learn from companies that have a remote workforce, then you will see that this is not just a policy change. It is manufactured in the company’s DNA.

Silent knowledge

If you believe out of mind, out of sight, so you will understand that with remote teams, there is a high probability that no one will be invited to the meeting.

Two classes of employees

People who are in the office get more opportunities and know more. It should not be like this, and there are ways to improve it. But still, it happens.

Difficulties in employee onboarding

Boarding on an employee who is not on board is one or two orders of magnitude higher. It is logically more complex. Getting them to know the team and the task is even more complicated.

The big challenge for interns

One may argue that a remote workforce creates more and more opportunities for a person to work for a company without having to move. There is so much in communication that it can get lost when working remotely.

Social Distancing

Why do people go to the movies, shopping malls, crowded parks, sporting events? The reason for this is that we are social animals. We yearn to see people, the love of chat by human interaction.

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Lack of respect for boundaries

As much as you establish company policies and guidelines about people’s working hours, there will be some exceptions. Sometimes the rules become the exception.

Personal Discipline Challenges

The discipline of work from home comes naturally. For most, it requires careful adjusting and monitoring behaviour.

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