Best Tools for Enhancing Your Productivity as a 21st Century Entrepreneur

Best Tools for Enhancing Your Productivity as a 21st Century Entrepreneur

If you want to start up a website, a blog, or gain some presence on the internet, and you want your content to be spread to a wide audience. The road to getting the amount of traffic that you are aiming for isn’t exactly smooth. Many pages are stuck in the dark, dusty corners of the internet where Google searches don’t go. But, you’re in luck.

In this article, I’ll let you in on some vital tools I make use of that can help you on your SEO, content marketing, and overall entrepreneurial journey. It’s a long list, yes. But it’ll be sure to help you build your SEO credence across your sites and pages.

Those dark places are not for you.

So, let’s get to it.

  1. Analytics & Tracking.

These are some tools that I always use. These help me to find out details about my website by keeping tabs on a lot of things; user clicks, website traffic, and other website activities. Indispensable for SEO.

  • Google Analytics: One of the reasons I use Google Analytics is because it is free. Another reason is that it’s quite easy to use. By inputting a code into my site’s HTML, I can measure specific goals and provide information about my website.
  • Google Search Console: It’s one thing to have content, and it’s another for Google to actually understand This tool helps with that. It also notifies you of errors and provides search analytics. Pretty nifty.
  • KWFinder: This is a tool that helps you with the best keywords for SEO and also provides keyword analysis.
  1. Speed Optimization.

No one likes a page that takes ages to load; I know I don’t. Speed optimization tools are essential components of an ideal SEO strategy. The less time it takes to access your site, the more traffic you get.

  • GTMetrix: I can run simulations to see how my site loads on various devices from different locations worldwide.
  • Google Page-Speed Insights: I can analyze a site by simply entering the URL, getting a page speed score, and suggestions on enhancing site speed. The best part about PageSpeed Insight is that it is free, like a lot of other Google tools.

Cloudflare and Pingdom are other tools that can help with speed optimization.

  1. Domain & Hosting.

Every website on the internet needs a domain name and a web hosting account. Some of those come with SEO tools included.

  • Cloudways: Choose from the five IaaS cloud providers (Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, AWS, Linode, and Vultr) on Cloudways to enhance website optimization.
  • GoDaddy: I can easily register my domain name with GoDaddy and enjoy all the perks of a Search Engine Optimization tool. That’s everything at a go.
  1. CMS & Customization.

With a Content Management System tool, I can create a website without prior knowledge about coding. That’s really nice because coding is a lot of work.

  • WordPress: This is the most common CMS tool. There are thousands of free and paid plugins I use to customize my website. Some of the more popular ones are YoastSEO and The SEO Framework.
  • Elementor: With Elementor I can build dynamic templates, create an outline for my content and utilize it on my website.

You can also check out GeneratePress, Astra, ThriveThemes, Themeforest, WPThemedetector, and BuiltWith if you need other CMS tools.

  1. Design & Editing.

Designs are an essential aspect of SEO Analytics. Seriously, the aesthetic appeal of your page is also a huge factor in SEO.

  • Canva: Canva helps with free templates, filters, fonts, icons, and graphics to give you the best look for your site and media.

I also use Figma, ShareX, Coolors, UnSplash, Pexels, FreePik, Google Images and Flickr. Trust me, there are tons of helpful resources on these platforms.

This is like the icing on the SEO cake. You can be able to make money from traffic by improving my SEO strategies with monetization tools.

  • Flexoffers: Flexoffers gives content creators a chance to make money from their products by gaining traffic through affiliate programs.
  • Clickbank: Clickbank is a digital content creator. It acts as a platform for content creators and a hub for affiliate marketers. I use its database to regulate sales and expand my content to other affiliate members.

There are a few other monetization tools that you could also try out –, Ezoic, Mediavine, Amazon Associate, and ShareASale.

  1. Email Marketing.

An ideal way to improve your Search Engine Optimization is via emails: earn backlinks, partition email lists, send newsletters, and request feedback from visitors.

  • ConvertKit: This tool helps me compose emails with simple and productive templates.
  • GoViral: GoViral has a team of SEO specialists that creates brand awareness and engagements with a target audience on e-commerce. It allows me to build a network of loyal customers via emails.

Mailerlite, OptinMonster, ThriveLeads, DripScripts, and are other tools that you could also use for email marketing.

  1. Course & Payment.

You may have plans to teach a course online. If yes, then I should warn you; payments can be a little tricky.

You might want to use some tools for that.

  • Stripe: With basic experience in web development, you can use Stripe as an online payment tool.
  • Thrive Apprenticeship: is an online course creation tool that effectively monetizes WordPress sites.

Shopify, ThriveCart, Gumroad, Teachable are some other tools that I could also use for Course and Payment.

SEO isn’t the only thing that you can keep track of on your page. There are some other tools that can really help with your productivity, making sure you are putting in your best. You could try some of them.

  • Trello: Trello gives you access to boards, cards, custom lists, and features that help to increase productivity.
  • Evernote: This tool helps to customize your entire workspace to include more productive features, potentially making you a lot more efficient in your work. I can also store and sync almost anything with Evernote.
  1. Chrome Extension.

Your Chrome browser app can also be fitted with these tools as extensions, not just your website or blog. They help improve the functionality of your browser by adding productivity-enhancing features.

  • SEOQuake: This plugin helps with organic data search directly from your browser. That cuts a lot of time off the top of your searches.
  • WhatFont: This helps me select the best fonts and text properties for my page; also from my browser.

Keyword Surfer, Nightwatch Search Simulator and Detailed SEO Toolbar are other extensions that are worth trying out.

Your page or website will not receive any visitors if your words cannot attract them. Writing quality is a topic that requires a lot of fine-tuning. These tools can help you with that.

  • Grammarly: Grammarly analyzes texts for common and complex errors that I might miss. It’s extremely helpful and easy to use. Especially since there are Grammarly plug-ins both for Chrome and MS Word.
  • Hemingway app: Polishes and edits your writing to ensure that errors are kept as little as possible.
  1. Social Media & Outsourcing.

While it is economical to manage your page on your own, there will be some things that you might have to outsource.

That shouldn’t bother you. Thanks to a few tools, getting professionals to work on your projects isn’t as hard as it used to be.

Fiverr and Upwork have created large marketplaces where freelancers and buyers can connect to conduct business with ease. Signing up and getting a professional on your project can be done in about ten minutes.


Beginning the journey to owning and running your blog or website seems like a daunting endeavor. Trust me, I know. However, in 2021 there are just a lot of tools that make the entire process a walk in the park.

Now you know those tools, you can start off your page on the right foot. Instead of struggling to get out of those dark places, you’re starting out in the light.

With a little work, you can find yourself reaching your page goals in no time.

I wish you the best. Good luck!

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