
Is Digital Agent System A Scam? (The Honest Truth Other Reviewers Won’t Share)

Brief Overview

Course: Digital Agent System also known as Digital Agent  System Courses

Price: $4997

Founder: An Pei

Review Highlight

After I finished taking An’s course, he still went out of his way to message me and check up on me. He wanted to ensure that I was achieving success. It wasn’t just about the money for him, he didn’t look at me as just a dollar sign.

The Truth You’ve Been Searching For

If you’ve been searching Google for hours looking for the truth about An Pei’s Digital Marketing Courses  because you don’t believe the testimonials that you’ve seen on the Engineered Truth YouTube channel, browse no more because I’m going to give you an HONEST review of it from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

What is the Digital Agent System Course About?

The Digital Agent System Course, also known as, is a digital marketing course that was developed by An Pei to teach people how to get a job in digital marketing. In this course, he goes over several different avenues of marketing including:

  • Basics of Digital marketing
  • How to get paid $10,000+ per month
  • How to negotiate for a 6 figure digital marketing salary
  • Advanced Facebook Ads
  • Advanced SEO
  • Advanced Email Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Email marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization

An explains each of these in thorough detail. He speaks about the history of each marketing channel, why they’re so in-demand, if they’ll be around in 10-20 years from now, and so much more. 

He uses statistics to back up his claims and give you a clearer understanding of why he thinks so highly of this field.

Not only does An teach you every facet of digital marketing, he also teaches you two main things to prepare you for success in your career:

  • How to get a job
  • And how to get your own clients.

In his job advice, he talks about job boards, interview preparation, how to dress, and what to say.

The best thing is, in one of the modules in the course, An walks you through the step-by-step process of building your own website and generating your own experience.

He teaches you how to leverage that project to get the job. An also shows you how to use that as your secret weapon in your job interview.

In the client side of things, he walks you through the process of getting clients and records it on video. I don’t know any other course that does this.

He also shares all of the best freelancing networks/platforms for you to get clients from, not just UpWork (No shots).

How Long Does The Course Take To Finish?

Well, I can’t answer that for you. In my time, I’ve seen that it really depends on the individual. When I took An’s digital marketing career course, it took me a couple of months to remember everything – especially since my schedule was hectic.

Is Digital Agent System A One Time Payment or A Monthly Fee?

As of 2020, the Digital Agent System is a one time fee of $4997.

In addition to this, you will have a 30-day money back guarantee if you are unsatisfied.

Digital Agent System vs Marketing Degree

Ever since I got a job that’s willing to pay for my school, recently I’ve been thinking about going back – but when I look at what the college curriculum attempts to teach you, I think it’s absolute bullshit and not worth even going for – if anything, it’s just a waste of time.

Employers care about how you can impact their business, not about a piece of paper.

Digital Agent System vs Marketing Degree

Can You Really Get A Digital Marketing Job With No Degree?

Absolutely, tons of people are really getting a good Digital Marketing Job with out a degree. I am a prime example of that. I dropped out of college and have no degree.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Job After Taking the Course?

The amount of time that it takes for everyone is different. For some people, it took them two weeks, for me it took 3 months after taking the course for me to get a job.

                                                                                Combating Online Crimes and Threats

Do You Receive A Certificate From The Course?

In my Digital Agent System, yes. You can get a Digital Marketing certificate from completing the course. 

How Many People Have Gotten Jobs?

According to blogs I have read for Digital Agent System, over a hundred had already joined the program. They have been able to find a job in digital marketing anywhere between $5,000 to $12,000 per month —and they are earning way more than they were previously in their other career paths. 

Pros of Digital Agent System:

Not Just Theoretical Bullshit, Actually Hands On:

Everything that you learn in this course will prepare you for the job setting – in the real world.

After you’re done with this course, you’ll know how to run profitable PPC ads, create profitable SEO campaigns, use google analytics, and so many other things that will help you when you’re working in the field.

An Gives You Assignments & Critiques Them

An actually takes the time out to personally explain his assessments to you – what you’re doing wrong, what you can improve on, and just helps you get better at your craft overall.

This experience is great because you never feel lost in the process of doing the course, he’s always there to provide insights.

Help inside the FB Group

Another great attribute to this course is the private FB groups. An has literally built a community of students that you will be able to network with and can assist each other in figuring out problems – but the groups isn’t only great for that reason.

It’s also great because An takes his time to answer every single question with thoughtful answers. I’ve literally seen him answer over 1,000 posts on the forums with my own eyes. Just take a look for yourself:


A Plethora Of Resources

There are so many resources that you will find in this course as well.

This course isn’t only video based, there will be also a ton of things to read – and things that you can save for later when you’re done, things that you can always refer to and study.

Provides You With A Cover Letter And Resume

Since An has been in the industry for so long, he understands the language that employers speak, and understands what employers want to see on your resume.

He provides you with a resume template and cover letter that you can then edit to your liking, if you want it to be unique.

The success rate of this resume is massive. When I started applying for jobs, I received 8 calls back for every 10 that I applied to.

Your Instructor Actually Cares About You:

After I finished taking An’s course, he still went out of his way to message me and check up on me.

He wanted to ensure that I was achieving success.

It wasn’t just about the money for him, he didn’t look at me as just a dollar sign.


What Are The Cons Of The Course?

I honestly don’t think there’s many cons, but if I had to choose one thing, I guess it’d be that some additional resources in the course cost money.

Here’s the thing though, the additional resources that An provides are not really needed, he just provides them because he believes that learning from two people is better than learning from one.

He wants you to grasp as much knowledge as possible, so to beat it in your brain, he tries to give you different perspectives.

And it honestly works! I followed every step in the course and did every resource that he spoke about.


Who Should Take The Digital Agent System Course by An Pei?

If you’re looking to break into the digital marketing world whether it’s working a 9 to 5 or doing freelance, this course is good for you because as stated earlier, it provides you with some key things you need to know in order to achieve success.

This course is for people who have no degrees, who want to work from home, want to make more money, someone who wants to have a high paying job and people who want to put in the work. 

If you’re not willing to put in the work, go through the struggle of getting denied when applying to jobs, but having the strength to keep moving forward, then I don’t recommend this for you. I got denied from over 20 jobs before I got my first one, and I realized that it was because I sucked at interviewing.


Is the Course Good If You Plan to Start Your Own Business?

Yes, In fact, He teaches you how to get clients in your first business that makes $12,000 per month. 

Do You Need to Be Smart to Do PPC?

No, you do not. In fact, you’ll find that most of your co-workers are not so smart.

If you have a logical mind, and can piece things together easily, then you’ll be fine.

My Life Before An’s Course

To give you some back story on why I’m writing this – I genuinely want you to take the leap of faith, and change your life. Before taking An’s course, I was a dishwasher, making 10 dollars an hour, working 16 hours a day.

I had no life, I couldn’t go out with friends because I had too many bills and responsibilities that I honestly couldn’t afford to pay.

It was honestly depressing, especially since at the time I was only 21.

I felt like I was watching my entire life slip away, and thought that the only way to get it back was to pay off my debt and go back to college.

Life After the Digital Agent System Course

But boy was I wrong… I can now say that I’m enjoying life, and am in the best financial condition than I’ve ever been, in the entirety of my life. I am making $10,000 dollars every month and this joining this program has been yet the most successful decisions in my life. 

Should You Buy The Course? My Conclusion

This course has changed my life, and the lives of many who have taken it.

The fact that you’re able to learn such a high ticket skill for the price of lunch is mind-blowing. 

To be quite frank, I honestly don’t know any course on the internet with this return on investment. Should you buy the course? 

Well, the decision is yours, but if it’s up to me, I’d say I totally support your decision to take a leap of faith.


see also :Tips For A Healthy Lunch While Working

3 thoughts on “Is Digital Agent System A Scam? (The Honest Truth Other Reviewers Won’t Share)”

  1. I’ve been in the course for a few months now and I really get the results I want. I am now working as a full time digital marketer paying above the salary I had in corporate jobs.

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