Five Ways To Make Your New Employees Feel Welcome

Five Ways To Make Your New Employees Feel Welcome

Yay, you have new employees coming in and you have an opportunity to make them feel included and welcomed into the fold. They work tirelessly to fit in and prove themselves, but before they do that, you have to ensure that you are looking after the people coming through the doors as much as possible first. You don’t want to spend time wasting energy with fanfare, not when you can be a little greener and show off your ability to be a more sustainable business.

One thing that’s often ignored among all the desk setups and club gifts with your logo slapped on them is a plan to make sure that the newbie in the office feels appreciated. For example, if you’re trying to show that your business is more sustainable than most, you need to choose club gifts that reflect that. Think Jute bags and bamboo cups!

You have to get someone into your office and make sure that they feel organized from the moment they come in. a part of bringing on new employees is all the ways that you can make them feel good as they settle. Here are five ways to do it!

  1. Write a welcome strategy. Giving your new employees a range of marked merchandise when they come in is a nice way to both offload merchandise and make them feel welcome. Preparing all of the people in the office – from management to admin – that a new person is coming aboard is important. That way, everyone can say hello and make the new person feel welcome and secure.
  2. Collage your staff. One of the biggest issues for new people is not remembering the faces of those around them. Collaging your staff in a hierarchy format will help your new person to understand who’s who and what everyone looks like. Instead of offering just a chart, let them carry the chart and walk them around the office to meet everyone.
  3. Offer a mentor system. A mentor or a buddy can help your newbie to settle in and answer any questions. Whenever a new person is brought on, make sure that you have a buddy to help them with how things work, be with them for lunch, and offer them support and guidance. This can be someone on the team or it can be you!
  4. Get to know them. It’s important to get to know the new employee as a person beyond their skillset. This will help them to feel secure and comfortable around you all. Get to know who they are as a learner and cater to their abilities.
  5. Get them immersed in company culture. If you want to make your new employees feel welcomed into the company, you should consider getting them involved in social activities and throwing a welcoming evening for them! It’s a good way to ensure that you are getting them involved. The way that your employee feels in their first week really will determine how they feel for the rest of their time with your company, so this first week is going to count the most!

New employees are always overwhelmed when coming into a new business. You should consider your preparations for new starters when you advertise – how will you treat yours?