
HR Department

Six must-know technology that you need to know in 2022!

During the pandemic, we faced restrictions on the transportation system. Americans heavily depend on their transportation system for different reasons. Those reasons are – to go to work, access critical convenience, or for personal reasons. Albeit, the pandemic has presented us with disadvantages and opportunities. We know all the drawbacks we have faced in a […]

Six must-know technology that you need to know in 2022! Read More »

Applicant Tracking

What Exactly are Applicant Tracking Systems?

Originally designed as a storage solution for job applications to aid in compliance, an applicant tracking system is a software application used to automate the hiring process. These applicant tracking software organize and streamline the hiring process from source to hire. It can be implemented or accessed online either at company or small business levels,

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Web Based Recruitment Software to Consider in 2022

A lot of companies and hiring managers are going for web recruiting. That’s because a web based recruitment software can help simplify; the automation of online job advertisements, pre-screening questions and screening criteria, creation of personalized job-template, auto-communication, reviews & decline, tech-test, and the background check of potential candidates. Web based recruitment software have the

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4 Different Industry Applications of Blockchain Technology

4 Different Industry Applications of Blockchain Technology

For many people the world over, the first thing they ever learn about blockchain technology is that it’s the fundamental technology behind digital currencies like Bitcoin. A blockchain is, in essence, an encrypted virtual ledger that can process and store high volumes of digital transactions in real time. Because it’s not managed by any central

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Technology, Jobs and the Future of Work

The workplace is uncertain, causing significant anxiety—and rightfully so. There is an increasing polarization of labour market options between high- and low-skill jobs, unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, stagnant salaries for a vast population segment, and income inequality. In many developed economies, migration and its consequences on jobs have become a contentious political

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